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Art Talk

A Selection of Informative Videos

Tracey Emin - Interview
Like A Cloud of Blood

This video is a walk-thru with Tracey Emin of her pioneering art school and studios in Margate. Her passion for giving back and her reflections on mortality provide an insight into the way she thinks and feels.

Keith Tyson - Interview
A Pattern of Mystery

When British artist Keith Tyson was 13 years old he took apart his computer and “it was a complete mystery how it worked”. Even though he understood programming, the interconnectedness of everything was like a labyrinth, he says.

Ed Ruscha - Interview
A word has no size

The road to being an artist was “like blind leading the blind” says Ed Ruscha, who grew to be one of the most recognised American artists of the 20th century. Hear the story of West Coast Jazz, his break with abstract art and L.A. in the 1960s.

Chris Ofili - Interview
Exploding the Crystal

Through oil painting, Chris Ofili has explored concerns about imagery, identity and violence. This film was made in 2010 in conjunction with the artist's major exhibition at Tate Britain. Ofili won the Turner Prize in 1998 and represented Great Britain at the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003.

Helen Mirren - Interview
Kandinsky Explained

Helen Mirren talks about her passion for painting and why she loves the work of 

Kandinsky, her favourite artist. His paintings appear improvised and random 

but they are carefully thought-out and structured.

Damien Hirst - Interview
Hirst reflects on Francis Bacon

When Damien Hirst was a kid, he says, 'All my paintings were like bad Bacons'. We invited Damien to Tate Britain to see the Francis Bacon retrospective. He tells us why he loves the Crucifixion and Head series': detail that vanishes the closer you get, paint like blood and guts. 'That's probably why I love Bacon paintings. When I first saw them they reminded me of places I'd seen in nightmares.'

David Hockney - Interview
What Makes an Artist?

While at the RCA, David Hockney studied alongside R. B. Kitaj, Allen Jones, Patrick Caulfield, Ridley Scott amongst many others. Here he discusses the impact of his time as a student at the Royal College of Art.

Gerhard Richter - Interview
In Art We Find Beauty and Comfort

“I don’t really believe art has power. But it does have value. Those who take an interest in it find solace in art. It gives them huge comfort.” Gerhard Richter, one of the greatest painters of our time, discusses beauty in the era of the Internet in this rare interview.

Marina Abramovic - Interview
Advice to the young

Follow your intuition. Have courage. Do what you imagine. And always be completely present in the moment. Marina Abramović on what it really means to be an artist: "A great artist has to be ready to fail."

Meet the charismatic performance artist Marina Abramović in this interview on what it means to be an artist, waking up each morning with an urge to be creative.

Anselm Kiefer - Interview
Art is Spiritual

Meet the extolled German artist, Anselm Kiefer, who lives for the process of creating, argues that history is a moldable material, considers art a spiritual occupation and refers to himself as a “dinosaur”.

Iulian Giurca - Interview
Digital Photography

In this interview lulian Giurca talks about his fascinating art that is far from conventional and that achieves a dramatic result.

Kaitlin Kraemer - USA
Abstract Expressionism

Kaitlin explains her passion for art and how her oil and copper artworks are inspired by nature.

Iulian Giurca - Romania
Digital Photography

Iulian reveals how the photos were taken for his baroque project and highlights the main element, water.

In this fascinating interview Patrick Hughes, creator of 3D Reverspectives, discusses his paintings and provides an insight into his Shoreditch studio

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