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Cris Cavalcante

abstract art

Cris Cavalcante

Cristina Cavalcante

Born: Fortaleza - Brazil

Nationality: Brazilian

Education: Graduated in Chemistry  

                     New York School of Arts

Studio: Fortaleza / Brazil

From Brazil to the world. Visual artist and writer.

A tireless researcher in search of new colors, nuances and textures.

She developed her technique through research on the mixing of viscosities, polymers and pigments, respecting the phenomena obtained through these fusions and the equilibrium that some reversible reactions perform, resulting in a chromatic exuberance. The elements blend together, take on life and the effect of this is an explosion of colors that awakens sensations, emotions and surprise to those who observe it.

Cris Cavalcante Artwork


ARTe - Germany
ART3fF - Luxembourg 
4Elements - New York
Entre Salas e Salões - Portugal
Casa Cor - Fortaleza - Brazil
Art Lab - São Paulo / Brazil
JWS - Abu Dhabi
Permanent Exhibition
Gallery - Fortaleza 
Cris Cavalcante
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